Yandix's TickTalk style app can also identify consumer clothing

Yandix's TickTalk style app can also identify consumer clothing
Yandix's TickTalk style app can also identify consumer clothing
Yandix's TickTalk style app can also identify consumer clothing

Russian technology company Yandex has developed an application called Sloy. Sloe in Russian means layers or layers. In this app, users can create up to 90 seconds of video with advanced reality effects and background music.
This application is currently released to iOS users in Russia. The company says it will release this app for Android and iOS users around the world early next year.

Sloe's manufacturer has trained its artificial intelligence in such a way that it can identify consumer clothing. It can tell what users are wearing today. This app can tag videos by clothing, after which users can click on this tag and watch videos of other users in similar clothes. With this feature celebrities can advertise different fashion brands. Also, consumers can store these clothes in their collection for future and share with their friends.
The company has experimented with 3,000 users for 5 months.

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