Microsoft Contractors review Cortana clips on insecure PCs

Microsoft Contractors review Cortana clips on insecure PCs
Microsoft Contractors review Cortana clips on insecure PCs
Microsoft Contractors review Cortana clips on insecure PCs

According to a report, Microsoft's contractor Z is using unsafe computers to track Cortana's clips. The report states that Microsoft's contractor in China reviews recordings without any security measures.
According to a former contractor, Microsoft has allowed contractors to review Cortana and Skype recordings from personal laptops in their homes throughout Beijing.
The contractor says they have heard thousands of recordings like this. In addition, the contractor that uses the Chrome Web App can be accessed with only a username and password. Contractors working at home do not even need dual authentication.
Since the report came out, Microsoft has eliminated the Skype and Cortana for Xbox grading program, the company has moved other programs to safer offices. The company says all of its secure offices are outside China.

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